VsP Series (CE)

VsP Plastic Injection Moulding machine

With a powerful V8800 controller and a high efficiency gear pump driven by P.M. synchronous servometer to satisfy your energy saving requirements and achieve outstanding process consistency and repeatability. Victor Taichung VsP Series Injection Moulding Machine has been developed by fusing of merits of hydraulic injection machines (low maintenance-free operation, long life, and low cost) […]


Vturn 20E Horizontal Turning Center

AVAILABLE IN: (A) Vturn-20E (B) Vturn-26/60E (C) Vturn-26/110E


Vturn-A200 Horizontal Turning Center

AVAILABLE IN: (A) Vturn-A200 (SM) (B) Vturn-A260 (SM) (C) Vturn-A200Y S (CM) (D) Vturn-A260Y S (CM)


Vcenter-AX800 5-Axis Machining Center

With the rotary table built next to the fixed table, this innovative model Vcenter-AX800 vertical machining center is equipped with a swivel head on the traveling column to implement 5-axis machining on large part (diameter up to 1000mm). Roller-cam-drive® mechanism for both rotary axes ensures sufficient rigidity for 4+1 axis heavy machining, and high rotation […]